Fire Safety Education
Our aim is to engage with Children and Young people and raise awareness of the importance in keeping safe.
Our objectives enable children and young people to:
- Identify fire hazards in and around the home.
- Understand the importance of testing smoke alarms.
- Discuss and plan fire escape routes with their parents.
- Be empowered to resist peer pressure, in relation to fire crimes such as arson and hoax calls.
- Explore the roles and responsibilities of the Fire Service in Wales through our Welsh Baccalaureate projects.
We deliver a variety of safety messages to agencies:
- Flying Start
- Cylch Meithrin
- Libraries
- Primary and Secondary Schools
- Beavers, Brownies, Cubs, Scouts, Guides, Pony Clubs
- Further Education and Higher Education
For further information please contact:
Gwenda Jenkins
Education Advisor
Community Safety Headquarters
Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service
Lime Grove Avenue
Carmarthen SA31 1SP
Tel: 0370 60 60 699