Wholetime Firefighter Ability Tests

The Ability Test is in accordance with the National Firefighter and Selection Tests. This test is designed to demonstrate your suitability in accordance with the role of a Firefighter. 

Click on the test titles below to access practice questions:

Numerical Reasoning

Numerical Reasoning Practice Test
18 minutes and additional time if applicable

This test measures your ability to understand, interpret and logically evaluate numerical information.  You will be presented with graphs, charts and numerical details and required to make calculations on the information presented. 

Mechanical Reasoning

Mechanical Reasoning Practice Test
17 minutes and additional time if applicable

The Firefighter role involves solving practical problems.  This test measures your ability to apply general mechanical principles that supports practical problem solving.  You will be presented with a series of diagrams and asked to answer questions to demonstrate their understanding of the mechanical principles applicable.

Verbal Reasoning

Verbal Reasoning Practice Test
15 minutes and additional time if applicable

This test measures your ability to evaluate, reason and conceptualise with words and sentences. You will receive a series of passages and will be required to answer questions that highlight their understanding of what is being communicated within the passages.