A large proportion of Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service’s (MAWWFRS) 12,000 square kilometre Service Area is home to a tapestry of rural and agricultural communities, with many of our Fire Stations based within these villages and towns.
To best protect these communities, we are proud to draw upon the invaluable resource of our On-Call Firefighters, many of whom are primarily employed within the agriculture sector.
Acknowledging the rich farming heritage of Mid and West Wales, MAWWFRS has a Farm Liaison Service that works with farmers to best protect their property and livestock from the threat of fire.
FREE Controlled Burning Advice
MAWWFRS offer support and guidance, which is free of charge, to farmers, graziers and landowners who wish to carry out controlled burning as part of their land management. Burning illegally, without following the regulations set out in the Heather and Grass Burning Code for Wales 2008, could result in penalties being applied to any rural payments received as well as criminal offences; therefore we want to work with those people who are using burning as a land management practice to make sure they do it safely and legally. During a visit to your farm, a FLO can help you create a 'Burn plan', discuss burn techniques, fire breaks and the safe management of a controlled burn.
We can also discuss other alternative methods of land management and provide advice to those wishing to carry out controlled burns, such as large bonfires.
FREE Farm Fire Prevention Advice
Upon request, a member of our Farm Liaison service will visit your farm to offer FREE fire prevention advice to reduce the risk from fire occurring. The FLO can also provide advice on a fire plan, in the event of a fire, and identify hazards that could pose a risk to firefighters attending an incident on your farm; such as the locations of slurry pits, fertiliser and chemical stores and solar panel installations.
These visits also provide the Fire Service with an opportunity to pre-plan for the event of a fire occurring as well as identifying any issues relating to access to the farm or water supply which may hinder us when responding.
Free Safe and Well Visit
As most farms are also homes, an FLO visit can include a FREE Safe and Well check. During a Safe and Well Visit, we can provide you with free home fire safety advice and cover topics such as electrical safety, safe cooking practices, escape plans and what to do in the event of discovering a fire in your home. We can also install free smoke and carbon monoxide alarms, should your home require them.
Free Bale Temperature Testing
If you have concerns regarding the temperature of your bales, please contact Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service to request a check of the temperature and moisture content of the bales, using specialist equipment. This service is also free of charge.
Depending on the readings we receive, we will then work with you to formulate a plan to manage the risk of spontaneous combustion.
If the bales are deemed to be at high risk, we may advise that bales are removed from stacks. If this is the case, we can have fire appliances on-site in case of spontaneous combustion occurring.
Animal Rescues
MAWWFRS also respond to animal rescues and our crews carry specialist equipment that can be utilised to perform rescues on farms.
The Fire and Rescue Service can also deploy specially trained rope rescue teams and wading teams to rescue an animal from height, water and unstable ground, such as slurry pits.
There is no financial charge for performing animal rescues on farms and we urge farmers not to put themselves at risk by attempting to do so.
To contact your local Farming Liaison service, please phone 0800 169 1234 or email arson.reduction@mawwfire.gov.uk