
The Wales Wildfire Board are encouraging farmers and landowners to #BurnToProtect the Welsh countryside this burn season.

Recognising that fire has been part of the natural ecology of upland and some lowland environments for many thousands of years and that it is also one of the oldest land-management tools, used for agriculture, game management and, more recently, wildlife conservation management, the Wales Wildfire Board are encouraging landowners to work in collaboration with their local Fire Service, National Resources Wales and Farming Unions to ensure they are burning responsibly and safely.

Iwan Cray, Chair of the Wales Wildfire Board and Deputy Chief Fire Officer of Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service said:

“As land managers, you play a critical role in safeguarding our communities from the devastating impacts of wildfires. Your land and livelihood are not just vital to you but are also essential to our broader ecosystem and economy. “We are urging you to implement effective wildfire prevention strategies when burning your land. “Burning your land responsibly is crucial in protecting your assets, guaranteeing the safety of your family and maintaining the productivity of your land whilst also ensuring you respect our countryside and play your part in safeguarding our environment and keeping our communities safe”

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About the Wales Wildfire Board

The Wales Wildfire Board is a multi-agency approach to better understand and manage the risk of wildfire on the environment and the communities of Wales.

It’s aims and objectives, delivered through a Wales Wildfire Charter, build on the knowledge and experience gained over the last decade whilst paying cognisance to the ever-present danger of climate change and the value of encouraging communities and individuals to work together to protect the areas where we live, work and visit.

The Board aim to engage with various audiences, working together to support wildfire management, listening, and sharing practical solutions for Wales. Through this collaborative approach, agencies on the Wales Wildfire Board hope to provide a better understanding of what can be done to limit the number of wildfire fires, in turn, minimising the damage they can cause to our environment.

Working together to protect our countryside and our country

From January 2022 to January 2024 Fire and Rescue Service’s in Wales attended 5111 grassfire incidents, with 1232 of these incidents happening in mid and west Wales Service area.

The Wales Wildfire Board's approach to managing the risk of wildfire will include three key themes, each designed to ensure we can focus on the areas which not only require the most attention but will also have the biggest influence in improving our understanding of wildfires and how the Board can positively manage their impact:

  • Partnerships - Through an evolving partnership approach, we will bring together Welsh Government, Emergency Services, Public and Private Organisations, Landowners and Land Users to manage and develop our landscape.
  • Environmental and Community Resilience - We will contribute to the management of our landscape to protect wildlife, forestry, and livelihoods; improve well-being, health, and amenities, facilitate sustainable food production, and create a sense of place and community ownership.
  • Prevention and Protection - We will implement a diverse range of management techniques to reduce the impact of wildfire on our communities and the landscape in Wales.

The Heather and Grass Burning Code.

The Wales Wildfire Board is continuing its work with farmers and landowners across Wales, and together we can try to reverse the loss of Biodiversity in Wales.  We understand the benefits and the role that controlled fires have on our landscape, in promoting biological diversity and creating healthier ecosystems.

Farmers and Landowners can burn heather, grass, bracken, and gorse from 1 October up until the 15 March (up to 31 March in Upland areas), however, they must have a Burn Plan in place to ensure they are burning safely. It is illegal to burn between sunset and sunrise and there must always be sufficient people and equipment on hand to control the burn. Breaking these rules can result in penalties of up to £1000.  We want to work with our local landowners to ensure that this doesn’t happen.  You can contact us for free advice on safe burning and we have more information on Farm Safety here.

You can find out more about The Heather and Grass Burning Code – and download a Burning Management Plan from the Welsh Government website (opens in a new window/tab).

As part of our Burn to Protect Campaign, the Wales Wildfire Board are reminding landowners of some simple advice which will help support a responsible burn:

  • Notify your local Fire and Rescue Service to avoid false alarms and crews being sent out unnecessarily as well as ensure we are ready to respond in the event of a burn getting out of control.
  • Ensure you have sufficient people and equipment to control the fire.
  • Check wind direction and ensure there is no risk to property, roads and wildlife.
  • If a fire gets out of control, contact the fire service immediately giving details of the location and access.
  • It is illegal to leave a fire unattended or to have too few people to control it.
  • Always ensure a fire is completely out before you leave it and check the next day to ensure it has not reignited.

Andrew Wright, Deputy Chair of the Wales Wildfire Board and Senior Specialist Advisor - Plant Health and Knowledge Transfer at Natural Resources Wales said:

“It is vitally important that we all continue to work together to build a healthier, more resilient and increasingly biodiverse landscape here in Wales, doing what we can to protect this precious resource for the future. “We want to work with our farmers and landowners to share our knowledge and understanding of the effect that both deliberate and accidental fires have on our communities. We understand that controlled burns can have a positive effect on the environment, creating biodiversity and a sustainable ecosystem and we are available for free advice on how to do this safely”

Burn to Protect Campaign Resources

Despite our past success, wildfires across Wales continue to provide a clear and present danger to our environment, our economy, and our communities and over the last four years, we have seen the early signs of plateauing in incident numbers, indicating perhaps a new approach is needed to safeguard our communities.

By drawing together a multi-agency approach to Wildfire awareness, the Wales Wildfire Board aims to engage with various audiences, working together to support wildfire management, listening, and sharing practical solutions for Wales.

As such, we have developed this page for all partners, contributors and stakeholders to the #BurnToProtect campaign to easily access all available materials:  

  • All Press Releases (English and Welsh versions) issued in support of the campaign.
  • Pre-written and pre-translated social media messages.
  • Images for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, which you can download to accompany the pre-written social media messages – or indeed any additional agency specific messages you would like to post in support of the campaign.
  • All photographs, videos and incident footage which may also be used to support the campaign.
  • Any briefing material which is developed to assist us in getting our messages across to our own staff on the frontline. 

If you do have any questions around the communications approach to the Burn to Protect campaign – or indeed, if you’d like to discuss any additional material which you feel would benefit the campaign, then please do not hesitate to contact us. 

Thank you, 

MAWWFRS Press Office

Approved Documents 

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Social Media Messages 
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Social Media Images
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#BurntoProtect: Wales Wildfire Board All Wales Multi Agency Communications Plan

Protecting our countryside and our country

Promotional material used in the #BurntoProtect campaign.

Social Media Message
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Social Media Images
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Burn Plan Advice to Farmer and Landowners 

Promotional material used in the #BurntoProtect campaign.

Social Media Messages 
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Social Media Images
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Fire Service Specific Messages 

Promotional material used in the #BurntoProtect campaign.

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Public Health Specific Messages

Promotional material used in the #BurntoProtect campaign.

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Environmental Messages

Promotional material used in the #BurntoProtect campaign.

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In attendance at Incident Messages

Promotional material used in the #BurntoProtect campaign.

Social Media Messages 
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Thank You Messages

Promotional material used in the #BurntoProtect campaign.

Social Media Messages 
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Healthy Hillsides

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Don’t Forget

Heather and grass burning with a Burn Plan ended on 15th March (31st March in upland areas).

The Heather and Grass Burning Code.

The Wales Wildfire Board is continuing its work with farmers and landowners across Wales, and together we can try to reverse the loss of Biodiversity in Wales.  We understand the benefits and the role that controlled fires have on our landscape, in promoting biological diversity and creating healthier ecosystems.

Farmers and Landowners can continue to burn heather, grass, bracken, and gorse up until the 15 March (up to 31 March in Upland areas), however, they must have a Burn Plan in place to ensure they are burning safely. It is illegal to burn between sunset and sunrise and there must always be sufficient people and equipment on hand to control the burn. Breaking these rules can result in penalties of up to £1000.  We want to work with our local landowners to ensure that this doesn’t happen.  You can contact us for free advice on safe burning and we have more information on Farm Safety here.

You can find out more about The Heather and Grass Burning Code – and download a Burning Management Plan from the Welsh Government website (opens in a new window/tab).

If you see a fire which looks like it might be out of control or being burnt illegally, then please call CrimeStoppers (opens in a new window/tab) anonymously on 0800 555 111, or ring 101. In an emergency, always call 999.

Remember Fire setting is a crime.

While accidents can happen, there are others within our communities who are deliberately setting fire to our countryside. Deliberate fire setting is a crime and the Task Force is appealing for information on anyone deliberately setting fires to call 101, or to report anonymously to CrimeStoppers (opens in a new window/tab) on 0800 555 111. Anonymous means that no mobile number, address, or location of calls are tracked. Those caught will be prosecuted.

This work is supported by our Arson Reduction team, a problem-solving team, ​​dedicated to reducing and eliminating deliberate fire-setting. The team consists of a seconded Police Officer, a Fire Officer and three specialist arson advisors who ensure that all incidents are investigated and analysed to make our communities safer. The team works closely with its partners to target problematic areas and to consistently develop ways of reducing arson and to identify who or what may be affected. You can find out more about the work of our Arson Reduction Team here.